Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Date Night: "We Are God's Children"

One of the greatest Joys of my life is spending time with my two daughters, Riley and Lily.  It is almost impossible to put into words the amount of love that I have for them and the JOY that they bring into my life.

One of the things me and my oldest daughter (almost three) do, is have a weekly "Daddy /Daughter Date."  Every Tuesday we either go to the local Japanese Steak House which she enthusiastically refers to as the "Fire Place," or we go to see the latest animated movie.  It has become such a meaningful time for us both to spend one on one time with each other.  During this time she knows that there is nothing or no one more important to me then her and she has my full undivided attention.

I was thinking about that earlier today and I couldn't help but consider how much God loves us as His children and seeks a relationship with us.  I can't begin to even remotely comprehend how deep or how wide Christ's love is for us, because it is so vast.  Knowing how much I love my daughters and our relationships imagining being loved by God even more than that is something that blows my mind.

There are so many people sadly in the world today who don't experience true love.  My hearts breaks and I am moved to tears when I think about kids living in children homes, maybe even the same age of my daughters who have no home, no one to hold and squeeze them and take them to the movies.  My heart breaks when I see grown men and women who have no concept of what it means to be truly loved.  My heart breaks when I see young girls and boys who get involved with drugs and sexuality as a way to compensate for a void in their life from not feeling love.

"Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God."
(John 1:12-13)

God created us.  God desires a relationship that is indescribable in human terms.  For you a "Date Night" with God might include prayer or Bible Study.  If you have to be so intentional about scheduling it!

Today why not take some time to consider how much God loves you and wants a relationship with you, and make sure to tell others about how much He loves them too!


1 comment:

  1. Great post, Bobby! You are a great father! I need to take more nights with God!
