Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"World Hunger can wait, I'm out of Puppy Chow!"

Can we ever end "Homelessness?"  This is a question that is asked of me often, both in private and in public.  My answer is always the same, "No."

Deuteronomy 15:11a says;
11 There will always be poor people in the land.

I think scripture is pretty clear that there will always be a percentage of people throughout the world that suffer from poverty, in whatever form.  So what can we do?

I was looking at some interesting statistics today and was slightly alarmed.  According to statistics taken from 2001; 76% of Americans consider themselves "Christian."  Then I researched some statistics on poverty, see below:

These statistics are alarming!  Not only do they tell a story about Americans, but since 76% of Americans consider themselves Christians, it speaks of us as well.  Basically according to my calculations, we as "Americans" spend more than half the amount of money needed to feed the entire world, on "Cosmetics?"

What's even more disturbing is that The United States and Europe combines spend more money on pet food, then it would take to give food to the entire world.

I think we have all seen statistics on how much waste and overspending we are guilty of as Americans.  Perhaps though when we consider how much we spend on luxury and cosmetic items such as makeup and perfume it will cause us to pause and think and perhaps re-evaluate our priorities.

If not the whole country, surely the 76% of it that claim to be Christian, could really have a huge impact on global poverty and hunger.

Deuteronomy 15:11a - clearly states that there will always be poor people in the Land, but don't leave out the second part of the verse:

11 There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your fellow Israelites who are poor and needy in your land. 

We cannot knowingly continue to live lives of luxury while ignoring those people we are commanded to help!

Think about that while you wait in the Dairy Queen Drive through, or at the cosmetic counter or as you carry the 20 pound bag of puppy chow into the house!

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